FarmQA Day
Thursday | November 21, 2024
RegisterElevate your productivity in a day Register
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Bill Wilson Distinguised Professor, North Dakota State University.
Agronomist Panel
FarmQA power users share tips and tricks betst practices and insights.
Get the most out of new and not-so-new functionality with guidance from our sales and support experts.
- 8:00 AM Registration
- 8:30 AM General Session - Kris Poulson, FarmQA CEO
- 9:00 AM General Session: What's New
- 10:15 AM Break
- 10:30 AM General Session: Agronomist User Panel
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 12:00 PM Keynote - Dr. Bill Wilson
- 1:15 PM Concurrent Sessions 1 & 2
- 2:15 PM Break
- 2:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 3 & 4
- 3:30 PM General Session: What's Ahead
- 4:30 PM Happy Hour
Check back for more details as they become available
RegisterWhat our attendees are saying
IT WAS AWESOME. Showed me how powerful your software is. some of it I had no idea.
Thanks, I really enjoyed it, you guys did a great job. Glad I made the journey.
It was really informative. Was able to pick up a few things this year that I want to try to implement for this growing season.
Individual Registration Required:
Bringing the whole team? Make sure each member completes their own registration so we can get accurate counts to tailor the event to meet everyone's needs.