
FarmQA names Kris Poulson as new CEO. Read more

The FarmQA Team


Photo of Howard Dahl

Howard Dahl

Chairman / Founder

Photo of Kris Poulson

Kris Poulson


Photo of Paul Bramel

Paul Bramel

Vice President of Engineering

Photo of Thor Iverson

Thor Iverson


Photo of Brian Glaeske

Brian Glaeske

Director of Product Experience


Photo of Andreas Arff

Andreas Arff

Software Engineer

Photo of Ben Munson

Ben Munson

Senior Technology Specialist

Photo of Brandon Grossman

Brandon Grossman

Software Engineer

Photo of Hunter Feltman

Hunter Feltman

Software Engineer

Photo of Josh Bennett

Josh Bennett

Software Engineer

Photo of Leo Dignan

Leo Dignan

Software Engineer

Photo of Nick Birkhimer

Nick Birkhimer

Technology Specialist

Photo of Ted Cihak

Ted Cihak

Software Engineer

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