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FarmQA and Precision Farming

A photo of an Amity soil sampler used to sample soil and recorded by FarmQA.

FarmQA provides a reliable software solution providing digital tools for precision agriculture that gets the job done. FarmQA brings precision agriculture to your mobile device. Not only is our solution constantly updating but we are constantly getting recommendations from our CUSTOMERS on how we can better our solution. We strive to make sure that our software is the best and most efficient program there is on the market.

Precision farming is becoming increasingly important in the agricultural industry. But what actually does precision farming mean? It is a type of farming that enables farmers to use modern technology and scientific data analysis to increase crop yields. Farmers use precision farming to monitor soil conditions, the growth of crops, and to better manage the water and fertilizer levels. The data derived from these activities can be used to identify problems, recommend solutions, and alert farmers of upcoming challenges. It is crucial for the future of agriculture that we keep evolving in our technology. FarmQA is a prime example of an agtech company that strives to better the lives of our customers. We feel that it is important to have crop management software that is user-friendly and easy to navigate. We would love to be a part of the future of agriculture. FarmQA focuses on improving data collection and analytics to provide actionable insights to farmers regarding their crops. Our cloud-based tools help farmers reduce costs, increase productivity, and enhance crop yield.

Precision farming has many benefits ranging from minimizing the cost of materials and resources to maintaining soil health. Precision agriculture has made the lives of many agronomists and farmers much easier. Within the FarmQA app you can see your agronomists' recommendations for how much fertilizer or chemical you should put on your crops. These recommendations not only make farming easier, but it also saves your farm money, so you don’t waste products on things you don’t need. FarmQA also gives you the option for soil samples. Having access to your soil samples gives you the information you need to solve any issues the soil may have. Along with soil samples and recommendations FarmQA also offers scouting reports. Within these reports you have the option to take a picture of any problems you may see whether that be weeds, wet spots, or bugs. With these reports you can then find out the treatments and solutions you will need.

With FarmQA, your reliable crop management partner, you get the convenience of a precision agriculture system perfected for the mobile device. Start your 14-day trial using our revolutionary products to see the difference our system can make.

Photo of Izzy Friederichs

Izzy Friederichs

Marketing Intern

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