FarmQA Summer 2020 Newsletter

CTO Perspectives

In a recent conversation with a legend in agtech investing and leadership, we reviewed our vision for FarmQA. He offered us the following feedback near the end of the conversation.

“You have three things which are exceptional:
  1. Your location in Fargo—the blossoming entrepreneurial ecosystem it is becoming and the access to technical talent you have in the region.
  2. Your engineering team is arguably one of the most experienced I have ever seen.
  3. Your founders have probably forgotten more about agriculture than most of us will learn in our entire careers.”

This, of course, also came with a sage warning...


New Product Features Available NOW!

Farm and Organizational Filtering

You can now adjust the content shown on the map using search and filter options in FarmQA. For example, you can filter to display a specific farm or organization on the map in the Scouting app or in Controller.

This is helpful when you want to limit the amount of information displayed on the map. For agronomists managing many growers, you can now filter by grower to limit your view to a single grower at a time.

See It

Assign Plant and Harvest Dates

Enter plant and harvest dates associated with your fields. The dates will display on scouting reports. You can also sort by these dates in the field list for a quick view of the order that fields were planted or harvested.

In addition to sorting by these important dates, the plant date is used to calculate meaningful information like Growing Degree Days for a given field.

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Add File Attachments

Use FarmQA as a central repository of all your field-related content by attaching field related PDFs, Excel files, Drone footage and any other file type.

This provides one solution to house all of your field-specific information and this also allows you to associate any file type of data to your field.

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Scouting Report Layout and Export Options

You asked and we responded by providing the satellite image as the default map on your reports in Controller. Thanks for your feedback!

In addition, PDF customization options are available within the scouting App and Controller including: page orientation of the PDF, page size, map background image, and question layout.

See It

Improved Access to Past Reports

The ability to access previously submitted scouting reports from the mobile scouting app is not new, but we have made it easier to access past reports for a field.

See It

Mark Field Entrances

You can now mark the location of a field entrance when you create the field or you can add it to an existing field. This feature lets you easily see the location of the entrance within the app and then use a phone's built-in navigation to automatically navigate to the entrance location.

See It

Quickly Access Support Articles From the App

We are building out FarmQA content for more information and these embedded links will make it easier to access the most relevant content for the tasks you are doing. Simply click the ? icon for access.

View Support Articles

Feedback requested on Recommendations

We want your ideas! We are looking at building agronomist recommendations into our product. To ensure we deliver the functionality you need, we'd like your input.

Email to weigh in.

NEW FarmQA Insights Blog

If you follow us on social media (and we hope you do), you might have noticed some new articles from our resident agronomists Dr. Al Cattanach and Manager of Agronomy, Dave Braaten. Both regularly share their insights and recommendations about what to do before, during and after the growing season. And, from time to time, the FarmQA team will be sharing helpful tips and hints to ensure you're getting the most out of our products like the latest post from Ben.

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