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FarmQA Advice focuses on three aspects of providing prescriptions for chemical treatment: products, mixes, and recommendations. Click here for an introduction.

Photo of a sprayer in a field

Over the summer, the team at FarmQA has been hard at work—in our homes of course—on a new major feature for our agronomists. That feature is the ability to write recommendations for growers. Paired with FarmQA Scouting, we think that FarmQA Advice will be a powerful new digital tool for crop scientists and agronomists.

We're happy to announce that this capability is in beta as of today.

An Overview of FarmQA Advice

With FarmQA Advice, we wanted to make sure that we extended the great things about FarmQA Scouting that people love—namely, its usability, flexibility and the ability to adapt to nearly any crop and situation. FarmQA Advice focuses on three aspects of providing prescriptions for chemical treatment: products, mixes, and recommendations.

Customize Your Product List

FarmQA Advice supports nearly any product by allowing you, the agronomist, to provide the products you typically recommend and use. We capture information such as name, registration number, label link, typical rate, rainfast period, and active ingredients. For active ingredients, you can specify the percentage and the mode of action group.

Reusable Mixes

As we talked to agronomists and crop scientists about FarmQA Advice, we noticed that there was a common thread: nearly everyone used the same recipes or mixes over and over during the growing season.

We also noticed that agronomists all have their go-to set of mixes that they use in certain situations.

Based on these scenarios, we created the concept of a mix. A mix is a set of products that an agronomist can create and reuse on many recommendations. The mix even includes the instructions to the grower.

Creating a Recommendation

Now for the core of what an agronomist will be doing—creating recommendations. Creating an recommendation is easy. Within FarmQA Scouting, tap on the Advice tab in the bottom navigation and the + button.

Agronomists can now specify the field or fields the recommendation applies to, the mix and include additional instructions. Overriding the product rate, mixing order, and even adding or removing products is a snap.

Future Work

FarmQA Advice is going to rapidly evolve over the next months, we plan on bringing more functionality to this capability. Just this last year, we added over 20 features to Scouting based on feedback. We're going to look at filling out more analysis and reporting so that agronomists and growers can see at a glance the mode-of-action usage on a given field over time.

Your feedback is important to us. Let us know what features and capabilities you need - whether you're providing a crop advice to growers, or you're a grower. Provide feedback via an email at or on any of our social media channels. We’re always looking for beta customers and will be opening up Advice to a wider audience in the next couple of months. We’re aiming for an early 2021 release of FarmQA Advice.

Photo of Brian Glaeske

Brian Glaeske

Director of Product and User Experience

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