
Join us for FarmQA Day on November 21st in Fargo, ND!

Early bird pricing is $79 until October 31st. After that the price goes up to $99. Day of the event is $129.

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How to determine user pricing in FarmQA

We only want to charge you for what you use. Use this table to decide what user roles you need based on the capabilities they require. Need more help? Contact our sales department at or +1 701.941.2046.

Scout and Grower


Create unlimited scouting templates and reports Yes
Deliver customized PDF reports with your logo Yes
Easily capture crop conditions and other data Yes Yes
Track crop-specific scouting information Yes Yes
Create unlimited scouting reports and observations Yes Yes
Scout offline when cell coverage is limited Yes Yes
Capture photo and map annotations of problems Yes Yes
Access scouting reports and agronomist notes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Write crop and pest treatment recommendations and spray records Yes
Create favorite tank mixes and chemical recipes for later use Yes
Link products to EPA labels Yes
Track mode of action groups for each field Yes
Modify crop and pest treatment recommendations Yes Yes Yes
Mark spray treatments as complete after application Yes Yes Yes
Maintain prescription management zones5 from imagery, soil sampling, or other shapefiles. Yes Yes Yes
Track a complete spray record5 for applications Yes Yes Yes
View treatment recommendations Yes Yes Yes Yes

Soil Sampling

Manage soil sampling with ease using Tasks4 Yes
Geo-tag results using FarmQA Mobile Yes
Advanced analytics on lab results1 Yes
Integration with Agvise Yes

Analytics and Visualization

Create grower dashboards from FarmQA Analytics 1 Yes
View field analytics and metrics1 Yes Yes
View data published to analytics dashboards1 Yes Yes
View map layers in FarmQA Mobile online and offline Yes Yes Yes Yes
View daily3 satellite imagery from Planet2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Upload and modify map layers Yes Yes

General functions

Use easy-to-use drawing tools to define unlimited fields Yes
Import unlimited field shape files Yes
Define unlimited crop varieties Yes
Manage multiple farms Yes
Track unlimited acreage Yes
View fields, varieties, and crops Yes Yes Yes Yes
View field-specific weather data, including forecasts Yes Yes Yes Yes
View field entrances and routing information Yes Yes Yes
  1. Requires FarmQA Analytics
  2. Requires Planet Imagery
  3. Daily imagery is based on cloud cover and other conditions. So it is really "nearly" daily.
  4. Requires FarmQA Tasks
  5. Requires FarmQA Zone Creation/Prescriptions

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